On Saturday, November 7th,at noon,
 Cambridge Central School will be sponsoring a 'walkathon' to benefit our local food pantry, Loaves and Fishes


.Anyone raising pledges totaling $100 or more will receive a tee shirt commemorating their efforts. At Cambridge Central, the class that raises the highest total of pledges will be treated to a pizza party at the food pantry. We hope that this will become an annual event to not only raise funds, but to also raise awareness that our community, despite the fact that we are in a very active farming area, still has the same problems with what is known as 'food insecurity'. This means that many people, from all across our country are not sure where or even when they are getting their next meal.  

The statistics on hunger in America are mindboggling, for example, did you know that almost seventeen percent of the rural population live below the poverty line? According to Feeding America, the largest provider of food to those tn need,15.3 million children under 18 live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life! On the other end of the spectrum, we have our seniors, more than 13 million people over fifty rely on regular  visits to local food pantries, just like we have in Cambridge, to get through difficult times. Think about that for a second, almost 30 million people, young and old are hungry in what we all believe to be the greatest country in the world!! And all you have to do to help alleviate a small portion of this enormous problem is to take a walk or, if that's not possible, sponsor someone that is going to KICK UP THEIR HEELS FOR A FEW MORE MEALS!!!                                        

 You don't have to be a kid to take a walk; ALL are welcome to participate. Sign up sheets are available at Stewart's, Schoolhouse Pizza, Noble Ace Hardware, Battenkill Books and Clark's Pizza. We are looking for leaders to captain individual teams of your friends to help those in need.   Please pick up a sign-up sheet and get the ball rolling by joining with your friends and neighbors and then, just go take a walk.    Refreshments will be served to all following the event at the food pantry, across from the school playground,                                                               SEE YOU THERE ,BRING A FRIEND OR MAYBE TEN OF THEM!!!!!