11 Name the 5 people for who VARAK Park is named. Francis Vitro, Bo Anderson, John Rich, Everett Ashworth, and Jim King,
12 In what decade was the Cambridge Hotel built? [bonus: in what year] 1885
13 The Log Cabin and Oasis restuarants were owned by whom? John McCarty
14 Carson Fuller coached boys athletics for years  
14a. Who coached before him Nash
14b. Who coached after him Milt Tesar ??
15 Who taught Home Economics before Leta Tully ?
16 Who was the first CCS class to graduate from the New School 1952
17 Name 3 doctors in Cambridge, at least one from last century Cole, Pender, Oestricher
18 Name 2 dentists in Cambridge Thiessen, Seth Craig
19 Who ran the little grocery store on Academy Street in the 1960s Lindy and Thresca Strout
20 Name 3 people who have been mayor of Cambridge Floyd Smith, Charlie Ackley, Bob Wright