January 27, 2010
Hi to all CCS Alumni, Teachers and Friends,
I hope this new year is going well for you.  And just in case you didn't know
170 days left until the 2010 ALL SCHOOL REUNION (July 16)!
Plans are underway for this year's big event. Please set aside that weekend so you can join in the fun.
CCS Alumni Association Board kicks off the New Year
The CCS Alumni Association Board held its annual reorganization meeting on Saturday 9-Jan-2010 in the CCS High School Library. The following officers were elected for 2010:
President:  Ken Gottry  (1968)
Vice President: Linda McMorris Record  (1959)
Secretary: Mary Lee Kent (1958)
Treasurer: Linda Lufkin Taylor (1962)
Asst Treasurer: Diana Bennett Tully (1969)
Board of Directors:        
Pearl Welling Brownell (1953)
Betty Jeskie White (1955)
Beverly Thomas Currier (1958)
Wayne Laverty (1958)
June Johnson Lawrence (1961)
Mary Hallock (1976)
The Board meets the first Saturday of every month from 10 am till noon in the CCS high school library
9-Jan                     6-Feb                    6-Mar                    3-Apr
1-May                   12-Jun                   10-Jul                    7-Aug
Here’s some of what we are planning for 2010
March will again be the Alumni Scholarship Fund Drive month. The scholarship fund has almost $6000up from $2300 a year ago. The fund drive the cookbook and the DVD’s have helped this grow. Last year we awarded the first three scholarships of $100 each to Sara Podolec Jordan DeLuca and Amy Kapitan three fine examples of the continued quality of the students who pass through CCS.

We’re ordering some new items for the Alumni Store. We haven’t finalized the order yet but we discussed short-sleeve crew and v-neck long-sleeve mock turtle and crew sweat shirts and fleece. We plan to finalize the order at our Feb 6 meeting. Watch the website for the new items
The two ornaments for 2010 will the St Patrick’s Church and the old Baptist Church (across from the Hotel Cambridge). The current set of 8 ornaments was a big hit this past Christmas.

Adult volleyball and basketball continue at CCS through March on Monday and Thursday respectively.
CCS Alumni will once again be sponsoring an entry in the Memorial Day parade. Let’s get so many of our military that we overflow John and Diana Tully’s truck this year.
We’re working to get the Albert Rich Popcorn Wagon for our Reunion Weekend July 16-18 2010. It was sold to the Saratoga Auto Museum but is available for special Cambridge celebrations. We’ll also have lots of the Popcorn Wagon ornaments on hand.

October Homecoming Weekend will again see the alumni reception tent replete with punch cookies and memories.
Alumni Basketball Tourney
Linda McMorris Record took some candid photos during the board meeting. Check them out on the web site and see your board hard (?) at work. Linda is the brother of Tom McMorris our Reunion photographer. As I looked at the photos of these old people sitting in the library I figured Linda needed to take some lessons from Tom … because I know that none of us are that old
Reverend John Herbert  ALSO KNOW AS COACH
Marjory Ridler ’65 went to Rutland over the holidays to visit retired Reverend John Herbert. John recognized Marjory at once and mercifully didn’t bring up the multiple years it took her to pass his Trig class.
John celebrates Mass each day in a chapel just steps from his apartment within the building that he resides with other retired priests.
John would love to hear from his former students fellow teacher sand friends. He has macular degeneration so he has much difficulty in reading but there are those at his home who can read things to him. Or if you're looking for a day trip take a spin up to Rutland.
Rev. John Herbert
Loretto Home
59 Meadow Street
RutlandVT 05701
John has expressed an interest in attending the CCS Reunion this summer. The Board is working out the details of how to make that happen. We’ll be sure to let everyone know in plenty of time.
CLASS OF 1965 45th Reunion
Your Class Rep. Carol Moseley Davis  cmdavis@suscom-Maine.net  needs help in contacting her class in preparation of their 45th Reunion.  Please email Carol to make sure she has your email and USPS addresses. 
CLASS OF 1980  30th Reunion:
The Class of 1980 has begun planning their 30th reunion It will take place on the weekend of the Alumni Celebration.  Please contact Kathy Kelleher Franklin irishkk@peoplepc.com to make sure she knows how to contact you or if you know how to contact others in this class.
CLASS OF 1985...25th Reunion
Please contact your Alumni Class Rep, Peggy McMahon McLenithan pegpat11@hotmail.com;  She is trying to contact all of the class and she would appreciate any help you can give her.  If you are in contact with any of your classmates or know how to reach them please let Peggy know.
As other information comes in about reunions, I will let you know.  PLEASE, if you have friends or relatives in these classes, please ask them to get in touch with their Class Reps.
Historical Photos of Cambridge DVD
Ken Gottry has spent that last 20 years amassing a collection of old photos and postcards of Cambridge and the surrounding area. He has selected 400 of the best and arranged them into sections covering East Main West Main Churches Covered Bridges Eagle Bridge Hedges Lake Hotel Lake Lauderdale Mary McClellan Hospital Railroad & Fire Rice Seed & Mansion Schools Shushan and White Creek.
Order your DVDs now. Each DVD costs $10 plus $1 for shipping and handling. Proceeds go to the CCS Alumni Scholarship fund. Make your check payable to CCS Alumni Scholarship and send to:
Cambridge DVDs
c/O CCS Alumni Association
24 South Park Street
CambridgeNY 12816
The DVDs are also on sale in Battenkill Books in its new location on East Main across from Common Grounds (aka Kings Bakery to us old-timers).
You can also send your requests to Ken Gottry (ken@gottry.com). That way he can begin burning your DVDs right away. However all payments should still be sent to the above address.
Great Cambridge Fair DVD
In the 1970's Bob Raymond, Carleton Foster and Kerry McKernon put together a narrated slide show of the history of the Great Cambridge Fair. This year Ken Gottry converted the show to DVD. The photos and narration depict the fair from when it was moved by J. B. Rice from Lake Lauderdale to the north edge of the village in 1890 until its demise shortly after World War II. The floral parade, the airship, the 1890's auto race with electric cars; it's all here. The DVD concludes with the attached photo of the bandstand and judges station as most of us remember the fairgrounds in the 60s.

Order your copy of the DVD now. The DVD costs $10 plus $1 for shipping and handling. All proceeds go to the CCS Alumni Scholarship fund. Make your check payable to CCS Alumni Scholarship and send to:
Great Cambridge Fair DVD
c/O CCS Alumni Association
24 South Park Street
Cambridge, NY 12816

You can also send your requests to Ken Gottry (ken@gottry.com) so he can begin burning your copy of the DVD. However, all payments should still be sent to the above address.

[ note ]: this is the same DVD being offered locally through the Cambridge Historical Society. I am posting this ad on the CCS Alumni website for those who may not be in the area, or for those who prefer to make their contribution to the CCS Alumni Scholarship fund.  Ken Gottry

Jane Faulkenbury Wright, Class of 1957, has asked me to post a special request.  Please take a look at the web site.  www.ccsindians.Com
SARAH GRACE (ABBOTT) HAMPTON (Class of 1929)  known to her friends as "Sally", 99, died peacefully, Friday, Jan. 22, 2010, at the Forest Creek Nursing Home, Indianapolis, IN.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family
I apologize to anyone who has sent information and I did not include it in this email. 
I am finally back on track and hopefully will be able to keep up with things.  Please resend anything that I have forgotten to do.
Until next time


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